Friday, December 9, 2016

2016 All-State

Congratulations to the following students from the District on their selection into the 2016 Iowa All-State Festival. The concert will be held in Hilton Coliseum on November 19th at 7:30 p.m.

2016 All-State Band 
East High School: Anna Geerlings, flute; Bridget Carpenter, clarinet I; Jessica Melville, clarinet III; Jessica Rebstock, clarinet III; Noah Cvrk, alternate trumpet I; Amanda DeBates, alternate trumpet II; and Andrew Flory, 2nd alternate trombone.  Anna Scott, Brad Anderson, Lois Harris and Stacie Pepin, educators
North High School: Sarah Glade, clarinet I; Quinn Adajar, alto saxophone; Elizabeth Glade, 2nd alternate tenor saxophone; Faith Harvey, baritone saxophone; Grant Hein, cornet I; Kari Swanson, trumpet I; and Aiden Shorey, euphonium. Faith Hall, Austin Simon, Amy Ortmann and Dan Knowles, educators
West High School: Danielle Schultz, clarinet II; and Jose Ayala Garcia, 1st alternate tenor saxophone. Cody Tucker, Patrick Patterson, Jesse Wipperling, and Katie Birch, educators

2016 All-State Orchestra
North High School: Robert Hwang, violin I; Jackie Toben, violin II; Derek Hwang, cello; and Ben Gillette, string bass. Kayla Priest, educator
East High School: Leai Britton, viola. Eleanor May-Patterson, educator

2016 All-State Chorus
East High School: Emily Croston, Sierra Gilmore, and Rachel Kitrell, soprano; Taylor Henry and Lydia Prior, alto; Austin Clayton, Juan Gomez, and Nathan Kitrell, tenor; Logan Curtis, Dan Gengler, Alex Melville, and Joey Turner bass. Tom Hales and Sydney McCoy, educators
North High School: Autumn McClain, alto.  Andrew Stoneking and Chris Hanson, educators
West High School: Erykah Jones, soprano; and Casy Tullis, tenor. Boe Hodnefield and Noah Towns, educators

Friday, December 2, 2016

NWIA HS Honor Band Students Selected

The following students were selected through an audition process to participate in the NWIA Bandmasters High School Honor Band on January 7, 2017 at Morningside College. Following the day of rehearsals the final performance will begin at 7:00 pm in Epply Auditorium.

East High School
Educators: Anna Scott, Brad Anderson, Lois Harris and Stacie Pepin

Anna Geerlings - Flute
Debora Allard - Flute
Jessica Melville - Clarinet I
Bridget Carpenter - Clarinet II
Jessica Rebstock - Clarinet II
Rachel Kitrell - Clarinet II
Lincoln Rahn - Clarinet III
Lydia Prior - Clarinet III
Enriqueta Bracamonte - Clarinet III
Maria Mata - Clarinet III
Hannah King - Clarinet III
Caitlin McEntaffer - Bass Clarinet
Nathan Whitaker - Bari Saxophone
Noah Cvrk - Trumpet I
Amanda DeBates - Trumpet II
Andrew Flory - Trombone I
Ethan Vick - Trombone III
Brian Nathaniel - Trombone III
Cameron Jensen - Tuba

North High School
Educators: Faith Hall, Austin Simon, Amy Ortmann and Dan Knowles

 Eleanor Chalstrom - Oboe
Luella Gaskell - Clarinet I
Sarah Glade - Clarinet II
Kaitlin Palmersheim - Clarinet III
Quinn Adajar - Alto Saxophone I
Eizabeth Reiva - Alto Saxophone II
Elizabeth Glade - Tenor Saxophone 
Faith Harvey - Bari Saxophone
Cedric Cogdill - Trumpet I
Kari Sawnson - Trumpet I
Alexis Kolls - Trumpet III
Grant Hein - French Horn III
Stephanie Warnstadt - Trombone II
Aidan Shorey - Euphonium
Alex Julius - String Bass
Jon Denne - Percussion
Ciara Hess - Percussion
Maddie Stroman - Percussion
Jackie Toben - Percussion

West High School
Educators: Cody Tucker, Patrick Patterson, Jesse Wipperling and Katelyn Birch

 Danielle Schultz - Clarinet I
Brandon Schroder - Bass Clarinet
Kiley Fridley - Bassoon II
Jose Ayala Garcia - Tenor Saxophone
Juan Oropeza - Trumpet II
Hannah Fridley - Trumpet III
Arabella Schwerin - Trombone II
Robert Berntson - Euphonium
Noah Youngberg - Percussion

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Students Selected for 2016 NWIBA JH Honor Band Festival

Congratulations to the following students for being selected to the 2016 NWIBA JH Honor Band Festival.  These students will rehearse with other students from Northwest Iowa and perform a final concert on Saturday, November 5th at 6:00 pm in Storm Lake, Iowa.

East Middle School
Brad Anderson, Lois Harris, Stacie Pepin, Anna Scott 
Tiahna Grady,  Flute, 7th grade
Katie Lammers,  Flute, 8th grade
Madison Rhee, Flute, 8th grade
Jadyn Roder, Flute, 8th grade
Faith TenHulzen, Flute, 7th grade
Lauren Geerlings, Oboe,  8th grade 
Isabelle Ford, Clarinet, 8th grade
Cindy Lara, Clarinet, 8th grade
Jacob Mace, Clarinet, 8th grade
Diana Mata Sandoval, Clarinet, 8th grade 
Jonas Donnelly, Bass Clarinet, 8th grade 
Mason Hardin, French Horn, 8th grade
Juan Fuentes, Trumpet, 8th grade 
Joseph Hansen, Trumpet, 7th grade  
Collin Martin, Trumpet, 8th grade
Aiden Westra, Trumpet, 7th grade
Ryan Crawford, Euphonium, 8th grade
McKennzie Carey, Trombone,  8th grade
Jace Ross, Percussion, 8th grade

North Middle School
Faith Hall, Dan Knowles, Amy Ortmann, Austin Simon
Emma Gross, Clarinet, 8th grade
Johanna Swanson, Bassoon, 7th grade
Reed Adajar, Alto Sax, 8th grade
Colin Greenwell, Tenor Sax, 8th grade
Brecken Baller, Bari Sax, 7th grade
Emma Walz, Trumpet, 8th grade
Caleb Weber, Trumpet, 8th grade
Noah Cohrs, Euphonium, 8th grade

 West Middle School
Katelyn Birch, Patrick Patterson, Cody Tucker, Jesse Wipperling
Dani Youngberg, Clarinet, 8th grade
Michael Duax, Trumpet, 8th grade
Colin Houts, Trumpet, 8th grade
Elias Vargas, Trombone, 7th grade

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jr. Honors Orchestra Festival - 2016

Congratulations to the following students chosen to be a part of the 2016 Jr. Honors Orchestra Festival to be held in Ames, IA on Friday, November 18th.

East High: Director Eleanor May-Patterson
Amanda Debates    Violin 1    Philharmonic Orchestra
Lea Britton    Viola    Philharmonic Orchestra
Nathan Whitaker    Bass    Philharmonic Orchestra

East Middle: Director Eleanor May-Patterson
Lauren Geerlings    Violin 1    Philharmonic Orchestra
Anna Marburger    Violin 1    Philharmonic Orchestra
Katie Lammers    Violin 2    Philharmonic Orchestra
Caleb Baker    Viola    Philharmonic Orchestra

North High: Director Kayla Priest
Eleanor Chalstrom    Violin 1    Philharmonic Orchestra
Emma Hawkinson    Violin 2    Philharmonic Orchestra

North Middle: Director Kayla Priest
Nick Millen    Cello    Philharmonic Orchestra
Caleb Weber    Cello    Philharmonic Orchestra

West High: Director Kristen Ortmann
Phoebe Schwerin    Violin 2    Symphony Orchestra

Monday, October 17, 2016

OPUS Honor Choir 2016

Congratulations to the following students and their directors 
for being selected to participate in the 
2016 Opus Honor Choir Festival. 

- East Middle - 
Director Mrs. Connie Smith
Joseph Hansen, Tenor 2, Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir
Connor Maeng, Bass 2, Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir
Cale McWilliams, Bass 2,  Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir
Emma Snyder, Alto 2,  Seventh-Eighth Select Treble Clef Honor Choir
Carter Vanderloo, Tenor 2, Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir
Trey VanPeursen, Tenor 2, Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir

-North Middle - 
Director Mr. Chris Miller
Michael Toben, Alto 1, Fifth-Sixth Grade Select Honor Choir

-West Middle - 
Director Ms. Jill Wigton
Adam Eberhardt, Bass 2, Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir
Holland Larned, Soprano 1, Seventh-Eighth Select Treble Clef Honor Choir
Mathew Pauling, Bass 1, Seventh-Eighth Select Bass Clef Honor Choir  

Over 3,000 students auditioned for 720 positions in the four Opus Honor Choirs. The 2016 OPUS Honor Choirs will perform at 4:00 p.m. November 17th in C.Y. Stephens Auditorium in the Iowa State Center in Ames. The Opus Honor Choir Festival is made possible by the Iowa Choral Directors Association, Inc.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Sioux City North Student selected to 4A All-State Jazz Band

Congratulations to Grant Hein, North High, on being selected to the 2016 4A All-State Jazz Band. The festival is sponsored by Jazz Educators of Iowa(JEI). The Iowa All State Jazz Bands sponsored by JEI have provided hundreds of students an opportunity to interact with America's leading jazz educators and master musicians. Selection to these groups is by recorded (blind) audition. Students interested in applying submit recordings of their playing using a prescribed - downloadable - etude, samples of improvisation and scales of their choosing. Rehearsals and concert will be held Thursday, May 12th, in Des Moines in conjunction with the annual Iowa Bandmasters Convention.

Sioux City Community School Students selected to Iowa Bandmasters 8th Grade Honor Band - May 12, 2016

The following students from the Sioux City Community School District have been selected to participate in the Annual Iowa Bandmasters 8th Grade Honor Band based on their auditions this past fall for the Northwest Iowa Junior High Honor Band. These students will rehearse and perform with 8th grade students from all over the state of Iowa. Mr. Randall Standridge is the conductor of the 28th Annual 8th Grade Honor Band Festival. This festival will be held in Des Moines at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference on Thursday, May 12th, with the concert beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel Ballroom.

Congratulations to the following students as they represent Sioux City Community Schools and the Northwest Iowa Bandmasters.

Eleanor Chalstrom - Oboe -  North Middle 
Amanda DeBates - Trumpet - East Middle
Cameron Jensen - Tuba - East Middle
Nathan Whitaker - Bari Sax - East Middle


Thursday, March 31, 2016

High School Students to represent Sioux City Schools at ISTA Honor Orchestra

The following students will be representing the Sioux City Community School District at the HS ISTA Honor Orchestra Festival on April 30th at Waterloo West High School. The concert will begin at 4:30 p.m. Congratulations to our students and their directors.

Violin I
Robert Hwang -  North High School

Violin II
Emily Miranda - East High School

Emma Baller - North High School
Hannah Von Hagel - East High School 

Bella Schwerin - West High School

Grant Hein - North High School

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Junior Duck Stamp Competition - United States Post Office

Each year the United States Post Office conducts a nationwide junior duck stamp competition. The first round of competition is at the state level; with the winners moving on to a national competition round. This year there were over 600 students from the state of Iowa taking part. The following students from North Middle were honored for their work.

Caden Van Osdel
Hien Tran
Cassy Tounjian
Grace Rosowski
Kaden Nieto
Christine Ly
James Lillard
Regan Keil
Cadell Johnson
Erika Huerta
Hazel Gaskell
Bailey Anderson

Christina Ly
Kane Laws
Isobel Feiges

Adrianna Sanchez Manzo