Thursday, March 31, 2016

High School Students to represent Sioux City Schools at ISTA Honor Orchestra

The following students will be representing the Sioux City Community School District at the HS ISTA Honor Orchestra Festival on April 30th at Waterloo West High School. The concert will begin at 4:30 p.m. Congratulations to our students and their directors.

Violin I
Robert Hwang -  North High School

Violin II
Emily Miranda - East High School

Emma Baller - North High School
Hannah Von Hagel - East High School 

Bella Schwerin - West High School

Grant Hein - North High School

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Junior Duck Stamp Competition - United States Post Office

Each year the United States Post Office conducts a nationwide junior duck stamp competition. The first round of competition is at the state level; with the winners moving on to a national competition round. This year there were over 600 students from the state of Iowa taking part. The following students from North Middle were honored for their work.

Caden Van Osdel
Hien Tran
Cassy Tounjian
Grace Rosowski
Kaden Nieto
Christine Ly
James Lillard
Regan Keil
Cadell Johnson
Erika Huerta
Hazel Gaskell
Bailey Anderson

Christina Ly
Kane Laws
Isobel Feiges

Adrianna Sanchez Manzo

Friday, March 25, 2016

Sioux City Community Schools Youth Art Month Exhibition Award Winners - 27th Annual Juried Youth Art Exhibition, Sioux City Art Center

 Celebrating Youth Art Month, the Sioux City Art Center is featuring its 27th Annual Juried Youth Art Exhibition: High School from February 13 – April 10, 2016. The opening reception was held Sunday, February 14, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Mayor Bob Scott, Art Center Director Al Harris-Fernandez, Education Coordinator Debra Marqusee, and Sioux City Community Schools Arts & Community Engagement Program Coordinator Pat Toben presented awards.

Twenty-one high school art teachers from fifteen schools in the tristate area submitted 440 entries. Sixty-one pieces of art were selected by juror, John Bowitz, Professor Emeritus of the Art Department of Morningside College, and Art Center Director, Al Harris-Fernandez. The artworks were judged on originality, creativity, personal expression and technique. 

The Youth Art Month awards and exhibition are made possible again this year in part by Pinnacle Bank, Aalfs Family Foundation, and a grant from the Iowa Arts Council. The Art Center supports and encourages young artists to express and explore their individual creativity through the art-making process. Through their art, these students are provided an opportunity to demonstrate ambitious efforts resulting in success that can help open doors to endless possibilities in all areas of their lives.

Congratulations to the following Sioux City Community School District Award Winners:
Ninth Grade                                      
1st Place                     Joe Huerta                           Sioux City West        
Tenth Grade                                     
2nd Place                    Daisy Siemans                     Sioux City North       
3rd Place                     Kaitlyn Hoopingarner            Sioux City West        
Honorable Mention       Jacob Buckholtz                    Sioux City North       
Honorable Mention       Gracie McCloud                    Sioux City North
Eleventh Grade                                            
1st Place                     Ireland Arroyo                       Sioux City West        
2nd Place                    Terry Do                               Sioux City West        
Director's Award          Yojani Rojas                           Sioux City West        

Twelfth Grade                  
Director's Award           Duncan Feiges                  Sioux City North                   

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Middle School Students Selected to 2016 Middle School Honor Orchestra

Congratulations to the following students for being selected to the 2016 Middle School Honor Orchestra. This year's festival will take place at Waterloo High School in Waterloo, IA on April 30th at 4:30 p.m. Thank you to our string educators Ms. Eleanor May-Patterson, Ms. Kristin Ortmann, Ms. Paula Ulicsni and Ms. Kendra Peterson for preparing these students.

Violin I
Leai Britton EMS
Amanda DeBates EMS
Lauren Geerlings EMS
Emma Hawkinson NMS
Anna Marburger EMS

Violin II
Katie Lammers EMS
Tony Thach EMS

Montana Allyn NMS
Caleb Baker EMS
Raquel Vallidolid NMS