Sunday, September 13, 2015

Authentic Assessment in Art, Music and PE

Throughout discussions of the new National Core Arts Standards and National SHAPE standards last year our teams discussed the many ways we could assess our students (formative and summative) at the individual level based on individual skill development towards the standards. We are a standards based teaching and reporting district TK-6 as this time. As a teacher leader in our district, I met with our TK-5 art, music and pe teams this past week and will continue to coach at the individual level. Using the Marzano proficiency scales we were able to develop our 6 levels of proficiency aligned to Power Standards the team selected last spring after unwrapping the new national standards.

Art educators discussing Marzano proficiency scales.

Since meeting with the teams and discussing many ideas for formative and summative assessment, I have been out coaching. Here are a few of the great ideas and assessments that are happening for critical feedback and academic growth for our students.
  • Educators using OneNote Class Notebook to collaborate and offer critical feedback for success. Students are able to hit "record" and play/work into their tab for feedback and reflection by themselves and by their teacher. I met with a HS PE educator last week that is setting up a Class Notebook for students to video themselves on the weight machines. They will work with the educator and trainer on proper form, record and reflect. MS and HS music educators are using the platform for individual student feedback, reflection and assessment while they are playing, singing during class. Another educator is using it for lessons as they are unable to reach all of their students. Pictured here is a MS art educator using the platform for student portfolios and group collaboration and reflection.     

Example of Class Notebook set up for MS Art and Design
  • Educators are using Plickers for formative and summative assessment and the kids are loving it. One class even saw the educator in the hall and begged for more the next time they are in class.  Through the use of Plickers are educators are also learning how to use Jing to help screenshot and add comments they need. 
Art educators using Plickers to indicate agreement/disagreement with proficiency scale language.

Vocal educator using Plickers in MS Choir.
Music educator using Plickers to assess rhythm patterns.

  • Educator setting up board like Board Math(a strategy used for review of math facts) in music and calling it Board Music.  This will also serve as an assessment.
    Board Music

    I am incredibly excited that our educators are finding authentic ways to assess our students at the individual level and provide critical, meaningful feedback for growth.  I look forward to seeing gains in our student achievement with this feedback.

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