Saturday, September 20, 2014

Observing Programs: Great Things are Happening

What an honor to be able to go to each building and see the great things that our educators and students are doing in the Sioux City Community School District.  Every day when I am out in the schools, I am absolutely amazed!  Here are only a few snapshots of what I have been able to observe this fall.  I have witnessed amazing education going on in our schools.

This past week, I was sitting in an elementary art class.  As one of the children colored on their paper while learning about colors, another child said, "you can't color one color over the other".  The educator walked over and encouraged the child to explore further.  It was amazing to see the dialogue, inquiry and amazement as the child discovered the two colors made a third.  Thank you to the educator in the classroom that helped coach not only that child, but every child in the room.

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